German wedding site: you made the photo of the day

german wedding site Best wedding photos

Today, in my inbox I found a very exciting email:

“Liebe/r Artur Jakutsevich Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Ihr Bild wurde heute zum “Foto des Tages” auf gewählt. Das Team der gratuliert zu dieser tollen Leistung!” – they wrote.

Therefore I’d like to great Olga & Sergey Pozharnye! Without their energy and positive fluids, which x-rays this couple it wouldn’t have been possible for me to dream of such a victory ever. The only thing to do was to catch the moments.
Best wedding photography
I’m convinced, that the result of any perfect photo session depends on the photographer’s ability to find common language with people he works with. I happy and lucky, as all the couples I’ve ever worked with are sincere and easy-going.

My colleagues and even strangers, who estimate in my works, often ask me about the way I find such couples. I always tell them the following. 5 years ago when I was a young and green I faced a real dilemma: to choose quantity or quality. My choice was obvious.

The way they find me and how we start our communication and further co-operation is not a secret. The only thing to do is to feel each other. Practice opens an interesting fact: 99 out of 100, who do not start their e-mails with the “How-much”- questions and any other money issues, are the ones I work with in future. With people, who are interested in wedding photography not in figures. This method we have developed in Mongooses.TV. Our team is a strong union of creative people, who starve with desire to narrate in photos and video about interesting marriages.

Every couple has the right to be unique and to have unique wedding with unique projects. In order to see our portfolio, please follow the link: or Facebook

Photographer Artur Jakutsevich

Professional wedding photographer in Italy, based in Rome