Let me introduce you, my fellow readers, to a lovely photo set from engagement in Naples – the biggest southern city in Italy – engagement photo shooting for Maksim and Marina, two beautiful lovers in Italy.
There is a saying “Vedi Napoli e poi muori,” which means: “to see Naples and to die.” Of course, no one is going to die in a city of such beauty unless one has a weak heart and gets too excited while touring around this ancient city on the seashore. The only reason for me, as a big fan of Italian food, to die was hunger, because it is close to impossible to find any restaurant open until 7 p.m.
Although Naples does not belong to tourist-friendly cities, especially for those who like beach-sun-sea rest, people keen on wandering along ancient towns and taking pictures away from the tourist routes find this place attractive. However, it is a departure gate to the famous Capri island, which is so popular among couples going to get married there or have an engagement tour.
Engagement photography
Welcome to a slightly aggressive but friendly city. The streets are covered with dirt, but they are so beautiful and atmospheric. It is like the opposite side of Capri Island, situated not far from it. The latter is a luxury place for lovers worldwide who come to Italy for engagements and weddings.
Nature gave this part of the world amazing beauty. Therefore, thousands of brides travel there to enjoy the place.
Why is it so romantic and lovely? Capri is an Island with two picturesque harbors. The three “S”- sun, sand, and swimming—are tightly knotted in one place. Add to this a wide variety of seafood and Italian cuisine, friendly people around, and the opportunity to have all this beauty in your love story, honeymoon, or engagement photos from Capri and Italy.
Morning photo shooting
Doctors always recommend having contrastive showers. So do I. Suppose you go to Napoli and visit Capri to see the difference. One can touch the authentic atmosphere of this lovely country and people in Rome, Venice, Florence, and other cities. Still, it’s better to have a person who knows the places to go or a photographer in Italy who works for your good memories.
Maksim and Marina decided to follow this advice. While they were planning a pre-wedding trip, they found me. The idea of traveling around one of my favorite countries sounded great, so together with Maksim, we developed a plan and went on an engagement tour around Italy.
Galleria Umberto I — photos
Every city has something particular. For me and a sweet couple, such a place became a Shopping Center named after King Umberto – Galleria Umberto I. The building was erased in the 19th century in the slums. This step of the government helped the locals to find jobs. Today, this is a trendy place with many tourists.
This monumental building is currently stuffed with boutiques of world-leading fashion companies. Therefore, we went there as early in the morning as possible. During the day, there are too many people shopping in Napoli. We wanted to have lovely and sincere photos of lovers in Italy. But before the photoshoot at Galleria Umberto, we discovered the morning and sleepy city.
Naples views
The city has about 1 million inhabitants, and some thousands of tourists come every day. But we managed to escape from all the people and wander along tiny romantic streets. For me, as a wedding photographer, it is essential to let people feel free and sincere to take beautiful engagement photos. Morning Napoli helped to break the ice. Therefore, Maksim and Marina look so happy in the pictures we took.
Maxim and Marina studied well at school, so they knew about the most famous volcano that ruined the ancient city of Pompey within several minutes. The Vesuvius volcano is situated not far away here. It’s visible from the seashore, and we couldn’t help but take beautiful photos in front of it.
I know many people who like Italy, and all of them have a different attitude towards various aspects of this country. Some enjoy the cuisine, the architecture, and the climate. I can also add motorbikes. Because of the mild weather, one can ride all year round.
Neapoli is famous for its architecture, views, and sights. But one shouldn’t forget about the sea. It is amazing! Every seashore city or town has a unique atmosphere. Try to remember your last visit to Barcelona or any other place that has a direct way to the big water. I call these places charismatic and robust, although they are very romantic and cute.
Marina and Maksim received a slideshow with the best photos from their engagement in Italy after spending several days in Italy with wedding photographer Artur Jakutsevich.
Thank you very much, Max and Marina, for the fantastic mood you shared with me. Your engagement in Naples will always stay in my heart as one of the warmest and sweetest photo shootings in this part of Italy. Sincerely yours, Artur.