My dear friends, I have a very fresh shooting from honeymoon in Rome of Irina and Alexander. Together we spent a beautiful morning and now I’m ready not only with the pictures, but also with a story about the couple and their adventures in Italy. Moreover, here I have a very nice plan of how to make your honeymoon trip comfortable and interesting. Irina and Alex decided to break down rules and had the following plan for their big day. And it was really a serious step for them.
18 March, 2014
- 09.00 – official wedding registration in Moscow;
- 10.00 – express train to Airport;
- 12.00 – Moscow to Rome flight;
- 19.00 – dinner in Rome;
19 March, 2014
- 07.30 – photo shooting in Rome;
- 10.00 – Villa Borghese views and amazing morning;
Spring in Italy
Though spring is a bit late this year, March is pretty warm and comfortable for taking pictures in wedding gown and suit. Therefore, after a shot conversation in Skype I persuaded them to ware the dress and the suit for the photo session.
As usual, the day before we started our honeymoon trip with a photographer in Rome, a dinner was held in a cosy and beloved restaurant. We got acquainted with each other, looked into ones eyes and of course discussed the plan and the ideas that came to brides’ minds after first hours spent in Italian capital.
We decided to start from the most popular and recognisable attraction in Rome — Coliseum. Early morning is the best time to enjoy it without overcrowding. As many other brides, Irina couldn’t understand why the shooting was held so early. But after several pictures taken she thanked me for an opportunity to see the city empty. But the hardest task had our makeup artist Anna, who had to get up even earlier than all of us. And she did her job perfectly well! So it was my turn.
Santa Maria di Loreto – is a very beautiful church. There are hundreds of them in Rome and what is interesting all of them are open for visitors.
This arch in Rome Forum was constructed in 203 AD.
The Arch is 21 meters hight, 23 meters widthways and 11 meters deep.
How to know whether are you a devoted traveler and know Rome well enough? You will never buy water for 2 Euros, but drink from numerous fountains with drinking water, like Irina does in this picture.
After several minutes from that place we came to the famous square, where according to the legend Romulus and Remus founded the city of Rome.
This is true Roman lifestyle. We were making our way though the traffic jam and all the drivers were beeping us! This is Italy!
They say that a picture with an unknown couple will make you happy for the entire life. A couple for sure should wear a dress and a suit like Irina and Alex. So, while I was picturing my new honeymoon friends, a couple of strangers just stood in front to have one photo with the newlyweds.
Step by step we reached the Spanish Square in Rome.
After we did 138 steps of the Spanish Steps we saw an amazing view on Trinità dei Monti.
Views of the city
After so to say a flat part of the honeymoon photo shooting in Rome we conquered on of the most popular hills in the city. Irina was so much impressed with the fantastic and picturesque view of the city, that could hardy utter a word. Alexander had pretty much the same reaction. And to be honest, I was also under huge impression, even though I visit this place several times a month.
As I have already mentioned, together with Irina and Alex we got to know each other via Skype. The basic features of character and preferences were revealed to me. Though, during the shooting I highlighted something new in both of them. As matter of fact, it occurred that Irina is not afraid of height at all.
The picture above was a real step for Alex, because unlike Irina he is afraid of height. For me it was also something extraordinary, since with my 2 meters I’m already high enough.
These extreme moments inspired by Irina attracted attention of tourists and passers-by. Nobody was sure that they were just taking honeymoon pictures and were not going to jump.
Even the police paid their precious attention to the situation, though they just asked the couple to leave the parapet.
So after extreme experiments Alex decided to pay his wife back and let her swim in the fountain.
And one of the most positive moments was captured when we were passing a crowd of Italian kids. Every child was shouting: «Auguri, Augiri» – that means “Congratulations”.
Spring in Villa Borghese is amazing period. The area is very fresh and beautiful. Every tree and every bench is romantic and attractive. They create unique atmosphere. I love to take engagement, wedding and honeymoon pictures there.
Thank you my friends for coming to Italy and choosing me as your photographer for a honeymoon in Rome March trip. I’m a happy person to have an opportunity to meet you! My life shows that the world is quite tiny and I hope to see you one day somewhere else. Sincerely, Artur