Night photo shooting in Rome was the second part of a honeymoon session for Dorene and Jason, who came to Italy from Singapore. Evening views of the city made the whole day complete. Though it was January, which is considered one of the coldest months in the Rome region, the weather was comfortable — about +12 degrees Celsius. No rain, no snow was broadcast. I was positively shocked by those January days’ unique beauty and relative warmth.
Evening and night photo shooting we decided to make in Trastevere — one of the most romantic districts in Rome. Unexpectedly there were almost no one in the tiny streets of Trastevere that night. So we could fully enjoy the photo shooting. For me personally as an Italian wedding photographer such presents of destiny as nice weather in January and no people in Trastevere, gave additional inspiration. Hope you will see it in the pictures below.
Thank you, Dorene and Jason, for the choice you made for your honeymoon trip to Italy and the honor I was given to be your wedding Italian photographer in Rome. Our night photo shooting will be a perfect example for other couples willing to travel in winter and to have a professional photo session.
Sincerely yours, Artur and Vladimir